Lunes, Oktubre 17, 2016

Our "DIY" and low-budget trip to "Lulugayan Falls," the majestic waterfalls of Calbiga, Western Samar

Semestral break is nearly approaching and to us students of Samar College, today is the day-2 of our two week vacation. Sem break means vacay, chillin', sleeping late at night, waking up late in the morning and washing clothes right? (hehehe) others will return to their hometowns while others are craving for an outing or adventure but before an outing could happen,  goers have to consider the budget or expenses for the trip of course.

Thinking of low-budget outings, it reminded me of our trip to the majestic waterfalls of Calbiga, known as "Lulugayan Falls" so let me share things about our trip.

It was in May 14, 2015 where the longest drive of my life happened (from Catbalogan to the town of Calbiga and then to a remote barangay where Lulugayan Falls is situated) we were like 4 or 5 unequipped riders (most of us has no driver's license including me, expired plate numbers and we also have a companion with no plate number, deviant riders aren't we hehehe) most of our companions are girls and it was just 3 of us who are the boys in the pack.

We departed in Catbalogan at around 10:45 or 11:00 am then we arrived in Calbiga at 12:30. Before we went to the jump-off, we headed first to the house of Shamae, (who is one of our companion)where she left her motorcycle because it would not handle the rough road, en route to Lulugayan Falls because it was "lowered."

Arriving at the jump off, some girls have decided to ride a "habal-habal" because they are concerned about their safety and they were thinking that the motorcycle which they were riding will not handle the road with 3 heads in it. (and maybe they don't trust their drivers hahaha)

Off we went, the start of the road to Lulugayan Falls is like the road to Brgy.Menarog in Motiong Samar, I was the driver along with my 2 buddies, so we were 3 in the motorcycle (XRM 125)

(Photo taken at Brgy.Salug in Catbalogan before the drive to Lulugayan Falls)

As we continue our journey, the road is getting harder and the sun was just hot, (just like our companions hehehe) I was a little bit concerned about myself and to my companions as well, I prayed in silence while I am maneuvering the motorcycle; "Lord waray unta ma-heat stroke ha am, please keep us safe, let us handle the road"

(Took a selfie with the poor-quality front camera of my phone, I can't recall if my buddies were taking a piss or my buddies went off the motorcycle because there was a hard assault in this road and in this moment, I received text messages from Johnrey's Sister, asking us "Where are you boys going?" "Are you with Johnrey?" I think his sister was gonna use their motorcycle hehe. It felt like Stokwa you know haha, rebellious nature lovers aren't we? hehehe )

Closer to the edge

I can't recall if how many times I shouted, "Harayo paba iton nga falls?" under the heat of the sun, my friend kept telling me to calm down, we'll get there soon.  Hell, I acted like that because I was getting tired and very thirsty (and getting hungry as well hahaha) after that, maybe a kilometer from where I shouted, we were regretting in the motorcyle that we went with our batchmates to Lulugayan Falls, because of the stress we were having in the road (especially me, because I am their driver)

After countless times where my friends have gotten off the motorcycle because of hard assaults and because of the very rough and rocky road, (sounds like an ice cream) few drive from that challenge, We arrived in a very scenic spot, facing a mountain range in the left and hills on the right (it was like we drove a motorcycle to the summit of a mountain, felt like we where in Mt.Balagbag) We took a quick rest in that spot and enjoyed the view before proceeding the downhill drive to the Brgy. where the falls is situated.

Talking about the downhill drive, I have observed that the rocks on that road are not attached to the soil, which is very dangerous if you hit one, So I tried to be keen while driving, God it felt like we were in a video game and we were holding our breaths in that moment. As we go down, I felt like my friends were getting closer and closer to me very quick that I almost fell off from the motorcycle and Boom! I lost control, I hit a rock and we almost slid but fortunately, our mighty right foot have stalled and prevented us from a dismay.


After those challenges we've faced en route to Lulugayan Falls, thorns in our throats were vanished when we saw the river, it only means one thing, we were now near the Baranggay where Lulugayan Falls is situated.

Yours Truly with my haggard face

Yes! we finally made it! but na ah ah... we still have a lil' challenge to  face...

Meanwhile in The Brgy. Proper.

Meters from where we took selfies, we have arrived in the Brgy.Proper (Brgy.Literon to be exact) and there we saw people of the village, tour guides and a store (where we parked our motorcycles and bought chippee chippee and coke mismo for meal, yes meal not snack,  low budget team  aren't we? hahahaha) Then a man have approached us (which was the Brgy.Kapitan or Chieftain of the village) and he knew that we were going to the Falls and he demanded us the Mayor's permit, we scratched our heads for we don't have any Mayor's permit with us and I heard some of our companions, pleading the Chieftain, "Kuya, sige na gad" and fortunately in 1,2 3, the chieftain stated "Hala, sige kay mga estudyante man kamu" or "Alright, you can go because you are students after all." but he wanted us to get a tour guide, and yep we did. (I was curious of how much the tour guide would charge us, the money left in our pocket is for gasoline only)

Glimpse of the Majestic

10 or 15-minutes brisk walk from the barangay passing stairs with butterfly carvings, we have arrived in the panoramic and majestic waterfalls, the pride of Calbiga namely "Lulugayan Falls"

(Do you see my sun-burnt nose?)

Although we had a hard time on the rough and rocky road en route to the falls, arriving there was such a beautiful price, it simply took away the stress that we got.

Enjoying the falls

When we arrived in Lulugayan Falls, I really wanted to take a dip ASAP, climb the top and jump.
While they were taking pictures and taking a dip, I decided to go to the top so I crossed the rapids which has very strong currents, so I went off, keenly.

Finally, I reached the first layer, there was a mini swimming pool on top where I enjoyed taking a dip and minutes have passed, I saw my companions with the tour guide following me so I waited for them.

When we arrived on the top of the falls, I was amazed by the river's beauty, it was like what you see in paintings and even in our dreams. I explored and trekked the river, water level was waist-high and I have slid many times, when I passed through slippery rocks. I was like 200+ meters away and decided to go back since some of my batchmates are now meters behind me and was going to jump to the falls.

I can't recall if was it me or my buddy who was the first one to jump in Lulugayan among our pack, What I remember is it was so cool, jumping from the top and swimming in the vicinity of the majestic waterfalls  and Sheena Bohol was the fraidy-cat of the team hehehehe.

After almost an hour of enjoying Lulugayan Falls, Mia Cinco decided that we have to leave the falls for she was planning to have a side trip to Quarry Cold Spring Resort in Hinabangan (30 minutes away from Calbiga) So sad, we said goodbye to the falls and promised to go back but before that, we took snaps first.

Us, the only boys in the pack with Kuyang-Tour Guide (He was nice and he assisted our companions very well)

Behind us is the "Jumping And Swimming Restricted Area"

Groufie with the beauties of Batch 2012 and their 3-goons hahahah
(Photo By: Mia Angela Cinco)

Going Home

Before we started our engines, of course we paid the very nice tour guide first, I can't recall the exact amount but I think "nag-ambag-ambag" or we contributed for the fee of kuyang-tour guide.

After saying Goodbye to the people of Brgy. Literon, we drove back to the town proper of Calbiga, and Thank God, we made it safely.

Arriving in the town proper, One of our companion decided to went straight home back to Catbalogan and 3 motorcycles still wandered the town with super empty stomachs. We were not vocal about our tummies demanding for food on that day, instead of deciding to follow sheena and her friends on their way home, we decided to just go with the girls (because we were concerned about their safety) and because of that, one of our companion namely Shamae took us to a barangay of Calbiga were they celebrate the fiesta of their village and speaking of fiesta (or "patron" in waray-waray dialect)it means food right? Yes! Fortunately, she brought us to their home and there we ate spaghetti, fried chicken and rice (What a relief!) and we also met her father and other relatives.

After thanking her father, we decided to went home because it was getting dark and off we went to the highway, me and my buddies were always at the last, our girl companions were hardcore drivers, they were really fast drivers than me (Please consider the fact that two of us in the motorcycle were overweight and I am very concerned of our safety)

Going Home Misadventure

After an hour of driving we arrived in the town of Jiabong, we decided to rest for a while because our butts hurt due to the long-term sitting in the motorcycle, our companions were 2 or 3 Kilometers away from us, Mia called us asking us "Hain na Kamu?" or where are you guys now, we just instructed them to went straight to Catbalogan and do not wait for us.

After spending minutes in Jiabong, I drove on our way home, at first it seemed just fine, not when we were going uphill meters from the fishponds beside the highway, the headlight suddenly went off, I suggested to my friend that we should borrow a flashlight from his uncle's house but we remembered we saw his uncle near the plaza of Jiabong, he was going somewhere (It was auntie-bisperas on that day) and he concluded he's not in their home.

After exchanging ideas in the dark, the headlight suddenly went back, so they hurriedly hopped behind my back and I started to drive, meters after meters on the asphalt, we were exchanging topics with my friends (by the way I was not the one who was driving the motorcycle in that moment it was now my friend Johnrey) we were laughing meters from the waiting shed of Brgy.Jia-An and we were going uphill when the headlight suddenly went off again, the bad thing was my friend tightly gripped the handbrake and it almost caused a  major dismay, fortunately there was no truck or bus behind us that could possibly hit and killed us. I heard ghost stories near the place and in that place were that crap happened but I did not allow fear to drown me and my friends, determination and presence of mind was the key to a safe and sound way to our homes. Good thing, my friend's phone wasn't dead batt yet from our trip so we used his phone as an alternative to the headlight.

We were getting closer near the city, we have passed in City Homes Subdivision (about 3 kms away from the city proper) and the headlight suddenly went on again just like magic! Nope! we didn't feel confident about that, my friend was still using his flashlight (I think he was even praying in silence behind me hahaha)

Thank God, we made it safe back to our homes (with exhausted bodies and empty stomachs again)

Tips Before Going To Lulugayan Falls:

1) If not a local of the town, contact or head first to their tourism office or Municipal Hall (to secure permits)

2) If driving with your motorcycle, check the tire pressure, brakes and headlights (to prevent a dismay) Lowered Motorcycles or the street-bike types will not handle the rough road to Brgy.Literon

3) Guides are mandatory (they don't allow individuals who will not hire a guide to proceed to the falls)

4) Be Friendly to locals


Martes, Oktubre 4, 2016

Panlilihian Falls, Simple But Incredible (Trip to Panlilihian Falls and sidetrip hike to Jim's Summit in Brgy.Malino)

After 1 month of waiting, our crave for an outdoor trip was solved last October 1, 2016 (Saturday) with the boys of our team namely; Jim, (the trail master) Lawrence and of course yours truly.. Now let me tell you what are the things that happened before the trip and how our trip was..

September 27, 2016. I, Jim and Tin went for a jog and a brisk walk early in the morning, Tin told us that she couldn't make it on Saturday (October 1, 2016, our tip to Panlilihian and a hike to Jim's Summit) because she has a gig on Friday which ends late at night and another gig on Saturday as well, so after that we decided to cancel the trip but  when we were brisk walking in diversion road, Jim and I agreed to go for a half-day hike on Saturday to Sun Tower and a traverse to Hamdas.

September 30, 2016. Before I put a wig and let my classmate put a make-up on my face for an intermission number for the closing of the Science Month, Jim and I were texting regarding the hike to sun tower, we were arguing wether to start 5:30 am or 6:00 am and so on and so forth. After the awkward moment of my life (but I enjoyed it actually) I texted him "What about we go for our targeted route which is to Panlilihian and a hike to your place?" but I did not get any reply from him.

October 1, 2016. Woke up at exactly 4:00 am, it was hard getting up because I arrived home at 12:40 am from school and slept past 1:00 am. Then I called Lawrence to wake up and prepare your things for we would start the hike to Sun at exactly 5:30 am (according to Jim)

Both me and Lawrence were ready for the hike at 5:00 am, I texted and called Jim but he did not replied, 30 minutes passed after 5:00 am, I still did not get any reply from him so I decided to read pinoy mountaineer's articles, blogs and watch videos on YouTube instead.

Finally, at 6:00 am Jim replied, "kamamata ko pala" in English "Just woke up." After a cup of coffee and thinking, I suggested to pursue our targeted trip since September 7 to Panlilihian and to his place, and thanks to the most high, he agreed with me.

After those conversations in sms, I did a mountain climber plank and spiderman crunches as a warm-up and went to my mother and opened my palm hahaha (If you know what I mean) then I rushed to Lawrence's house and waited for him.

We arrived at Jiabong at exactly 8:00 am but Jim was on his way to Catbalogan with his mother, he told us to wait for him and we did. We waited for him across the public market in Jiabong where the habal-habals are situated for -1-long hour and 30 minutes, and at 9:40 am, we rode a habal-habal to Brgy.Lulugayan and from that, our adventure have started.

Past 10:00 am, we arrived in Brgy.Lulugayan, since Jim is our trail master, he was the one who is taking the lead, we passed through small rice paddies en route to Panlilihian Falls and to a goat farm (according to Jim) which is guarded by bulb wires.

I thought Going to Panlilihian Falls would take an hour but it was just a 15 minute brisk walk from the Jump-off, excitement and curiosity was in our nerves since it was my and Lawrence's first time to visit the place.

Meet my friend, Lawrence.

Descending to the falls  with my "Day-Hike Starter Pack"

Last Snaps at Panlilihian Falls.

Why did I quote Panlilihian as "Simple but Incredible?" As simple as this, this cute waterfalls is not as famous as to Lulugayan Falls in Calbiga and Tarangban Falls in Calbayog but famous and patronized by its locals and the locals of it's nearby barangays and towns. Panlilihian Falls offers its cold water to dip and dive for, the small fishes who reside in its waters will tickle your toes, knees, back and shoulder if you are dipping in the water (just like having a service in a  fish spa) and most of all it's chill-ambiance is waiting for you and your crew. Visit it now and remember the "Leave Nothing" ethics.


After enjoying Panlilihian, we were bound to Jim's Place and we went for a shortcut, a 70 degree climb from the falls to the road leading to Brgy.Malino, it was very cool, it was like a training for our upcoming hikes in the future hehehe.

                                       Despite the situation, he decide to have a pose hahaha.

Closer to the edge

A very sadistic photographer took this

Jim's face as he overcame the challenge


After that climb, we rode a jeep which plies to Brgy. Malino en route to Jim's Summit. It was an uphill ride and bumpy, passing along the rough road to the Brgy. Proper. We felt like we were going to the mountain province or in a major climb, feeling the jeepney ride and seeing the landscape of the place which faces mountain ranges.

One of the mountains of the range, according to Jim, this place is a protected area and is diverse in plant species. (I hope we climb and experience its diversity someday with the team)


Lunch Time!

After the bumpy ride to Brgy.Malino, we headed to the house of Jim's Aunt, while we were resting, his uncle gave us kamote for snack, cold water and an ice candy. After conversations with his uncle, we ate our lunch, I brought my food with me which were rice and fried chicken but Jim's aunt already prepared us fried fish, the tasty hard-boiled native eggs and the fragrant kalinayan rice with the cancer-curing fruit namely guyabano. Of course I ate much because it would serve as a fuel for us for the hike to Jim's Summit hehehe.

Outside the house of Jim's Aunt.

2:00 pm, right after eating, we grabbed our backpacks, thanked Jim's aunt for her hospitality and headed to the trail en route to Jim's summit. We went along with his uncle who was going  to their farm.


Adventure Time! Me, Jim and his uncle taking the lead. Photo by Lawrence

Those mountains have been calling me, I thought it was easy to go there and can be done in a 1 day trip but it takes a day or two according to Jim's uncle. Someday we will climb you.

Ascending to Jim's Summit

The buko men preparing our snack for the afternoon, buko meat, pure buko juice and buko juice with milk

 Say Hi to Jim! 

 Mr. Buko

Kinda refreshing, sippin some buko juice and feelin the air at Jim's Summit


 Last Selfie at Jim summit before we descend.


Going home!

 Took us 30 minutes descending from Jim's Summit to the barangay proper, it was a fast-paced hiking downhill with slippery, steep descends. Our target was a 30 minute hike to Brgy.Malino and another 30 minutes to Brgy.Lulugayan (which the habal-habals are waiting back to Jiabong)

Of course we made it safely to Brgy.Lulugayan, with our heavy backpacks filled with two big veggies given to us by Jim's aunt, then we fetched a habal-habal back to Jiabong at 5:50 pm.

Thank God, we made it safely to Jiabong at 6:25 and waited for a bus or jeep to Catbalogan.

and we made it back home safe and tired hehehe.

*We sincerely thank Jim's aunt and uncle for their hospitality during our visit to their home and farm land *

* More adventures for our team in the upcoming months and years